Wednesday, February 21, 2007

My AmBiTiOn!!

My ambition is to be a businessman when i grow up!For a businessman,qualification is not really needed as but in order to excel being a businessman,a good qualification is better and the sense.I am aiming for a diploma or a degree in business managment.If i were to get a diploma,i will have to go to a poly and degree in a university.

The reason why i choose to be a businessman is because i tink it is a really challenging job to do and it is fun and it all lies with how are you going to plan your things and do well in whatever business you are doing!In order to meet my target,i have to work very hard in my studies and learn more about business and take courses related to it.

there are no history to business.


YUKARI said...

Hello!! My name is Yukari Uno.
I want to be a doctor.
I'd like you to give me some advice.
Please come to my blog site!!

Takuya said...

Hello. My name is Takuya Kurimoto.
I want to be a teacher.
Your ambition is very interesting.
Please come to my blog site.

MASAHIRO said...

Hello. My name is Masahiro Ishida.
I am looking into about a lawyer. If you are interested in my blog, please come to my blog. Myblog:

correna said...

Hey u guys very idiot leh keep bluffin Wilson to go to ur blog whice is empty..